Welcome to Soldiers of the Sun 3.0. Please make sure you are in 256 color mode before you start the game or it may not work properly.
Control the ship by using the arrow keys and spacebar:
<RIGHT ARROW KEY> - turn clockwise
<LEFT ARROW KEY> -- turn counterclockwise
<UP ARROW KEY> ---- thrust
<DOWN ARROW KEY> - drop bomb
<SPACE BAR> ------- shoot
<ESC> ------------- end game
Official CheesyPlot™
The evil aliens of Hyperion Six have kidnapped a multitude of hostages. Only You Can Save the World, with your puny but expandable patrol ship. You must rescue them in each level and return them to the home base while avoiding death at the hands of the many technological defenses of the enemy.
See the manual for more information about how to play.
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